CLA = 0x80
INS = 0xF2
P1 = 0x00 for application status, 0x01 for key path status
P2 = 0x00
Response SW = 0x9000 on success, 0x6A86 on undefined P1
Response Data = Application Status Template or Key Path
Preconditions: Secure Channel must be opened
Response Data format:
if P1 = 0x00:
Tag 0xA3 = Application Status Template
Tag 0x02 = PIN retry count (1 byte)
Tag 0x02 = PUK retry count (1 byte)
Tag 0x01 = 0xff if key is initialized, 0 otherwise
This must be implemented even if Credential and/or Key management is not implemented. If the PIN/PUK retry count is not available or is not applicable, its value should be set to 0xff.
if P1 = 0x01: